An article about creativity in science (Marten Scheffer et al.), drawing by Tone Bjordam.
Recent studies provide compelling evidence for the idea that creative thinking draws upon two kinds of processes linked to distinct physiological features, and stimulated under different conditions. In short, the fast system-I produces intuition whereas the slow and deliberate system-II produces reasoning. System-I can help see novel solutions and associations instantaneously, but is prone to error. System-II has other biases, but can help checking and modifying the system-I results. Although thinking is the core business of science, the accepted ways of doing our work focus almost entirely on facilitating system-II. We discuss the role of system-I thinking in past scientific breakthroughs, and argue that scientific progress may be catalyzed by creating conditions for such associative intuitive thinking in our academic lives and in education. Unstructured socializing time, education for daring exploration, and cooperation with the arts are among the potential elements. Because such activities may be looked upon as procrastination rather than work, deliberate effort is needed to counteract our systematic bias.
You can read the article here:
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Exit time as measure of ecological resilience
/in 1. show all /by Egbert van NesToday our paper “Exit time as a measure of ecological resilience” came out in Science.
In this paper we show a universal way to estimate life expectancy of complex systems that have tipping points. The approach may help to characterize fragility of systems as diverse as forests, algal blooms, climate states, or societies. such as forests or climate states.
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Loss of resilience preceded transformations of Pueblo societies
/in 1. show all, 2. publication /by Egbert van NesToday our paper on the resilience of Pueblo societies appeared in PNAS. In this paper we show that transformations of pre-Hispanic Pueblo societies were preceded by a loss of resilience.
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Global inequality remotely sensed
/in 1. show all, 2. publication /by Egbert van NesToday our paper on remotely sensed inequality appeared in PNAS. In this paper we show how we can use remotely sensed night-time light, to estimate income inequality world-wide.
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You Matter More Than You Think
/in 1. show all /by adminRead more
Human Niche paper attracts much media attention
/in 1. show all /by Egbert van NesOur paper about the human climate niche was among the 5 most popular scientific papers of May 2020. It was the only non-COVID-19-related study in May’s top five. The paper has been covered by more than 150 online news outlets so far, and reached almost 5 million people on Twitter.
Podcast about the Future of the Human Climate Niche
/in 1. show all, 2. publication /by adminPodcast: The Future of the Human Climate Niche with Tim Kohler & Marten Scheffer
Animation of the Human Niche
/in 1. show all, 3. videos /by adminThe organization Globaia has produced the impressive video below, visualizing the results from our human climate niche paper (see also this news item).
Album with contemplative compositions
/in 1. show all /by adminThe album “Grond” with contemplative compositions by Marten Scheffer is released on Spotify, Link here >
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Future of the human climate niche
/in 1. show all, 2. publication /by adminThe paper “Future of the human climate niche” came just came out in PNAS. Read more
Dual Thinking for Scientists
/in 1. show all /by adminAn article about creativity in science (Marten Scheffer et al.), drawing by Tone Bjordam.
You can read the article here:
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