Publications 2024

2023 2025 overview

High temperature and eutrophication alter biomass allocation of black mangrove (Avicennia germinans L.) seedlings
Cobacho, S.P., Janssen, S.A.R., Brekelmans, M.A.C.P., van de Leemput, I.A., Holmgren, M. & Christianen, M.J.A. (2024)
Marine Environmental Research 193 [full text]

Impact of human disturbance on biogeochemical fluxes in tropical seascapes
Cobacho, S.P., van de Leemput, I.A., Holmgren, M. & Christianen, M.J.A. (2024)
Marine Environmental Research 197 [full text]

Spread of the cycles: a feedback perspective on the Anthropocene
Lenton, T.M. & Scheffer, M. (2024)
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 379 (1893)[full text]

Explore before you restore: Incorporating complex systems thinking in ecosystem restoration
Maes, S.L., Perring, M.P., Cohen, R., Akinnifesi, F.K., Bargués-Tobella, A., Bastin, J.F., Bauters, M., Bernardino, P.N., Brancalion, P.H.S., Bullock, J.M., Ellison, D., Fayolle, A., Fremout, T., Gann, G.D., Hishe, H., Holmgren, M., Ilstedt, U., Mahy, G., Messier, C., Parr, C.L., Ryan, C.M., Sacande, M., Sankaran, M., Scheffer, M.S., Suding, K.N., Van Meerbeek, K., Verbeeck, H., Verbist, B.J.P., Verheyen, K., Winowiecki, L.A. & Muys, B. (2024)
Journal of Applied Ecology 61 (5):922-939 [full text]

A Dynamical Systems View of Psychiatric Disorders – Theory: A Review
Scheffer, M., Bockting, C.L., Borsboom, D., Cools, R., Delecroix, C., Hartmann, J.A., Kendler, K.S., Van De Leemput, I., Van Der Maas, H.L.J., Van Nes, E., Mattson, M., McGorry, P.D. & Nelson, B. (2024)
JAMA Psychiatry [full text]

A Dynamical Systems View of Psychiatric Disorders – Practical Implications: A Review
Scheffer, M., Bockting, C.L., Borsboom, D., Cools, R., Delecroix, C., Hartmann, J.A., Kendler, K.S., Van De Leemput, I., Van Der Maas, H.L.J., Van Nes, E., Mattson, M., McGorry, P.D. & Nelson, B. (2024)
JAMA Psychiatry [full text]

Transformation starts at the periphery of networks where pushback is less
van de Leemput, I.A., Bascompte, J., Buddendorf, W.B., Dakos, V., Lever, J.J., Scheffer, M. & van Nes, E.H. (2024)
Scientific Reports 14 (1)[full text]

A tiny fraction of all species forms most of nature: Rarity as a sticky state
Van Nes, E.H., Pujoni, D.G.F., Shetty, S.A., Straatsma, G., De Vos, W.M. & Scheffer, M. (2024)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121 (2)[full text]

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